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Short Line Safety Institute launches latest round of safety advice


Rail News: Short Lines & Regionals


The Short Line Safety Institute (SLSI) has unveiled its second in a series of safety tips for short lines and regionals.

Launched in January, the Safety Tip Tuesday Program provides a railroad safety tip each week, with specific attention paid to unique seasonal challenges, SLSI officials said in a press release.

The SLSI will post the springtime tips on its website and Facebook pages.

Examples of spring safety topics include:
• erosion, which can be a factor as snow melts and softens the ground. Muddy areas can appear and clog culverts. Soil erosion can alter track conditions.
• snakes and insects, which can bite or sting. Workers should be aware of where they step and when they reach into dark spaces.
• melting snow, which can lead to mudslides, washouts and other ground shifts that can cause serious track obstructions.
• fog, which can challenge visibility.
• yard drainage, which can be a concern when water collects in the low point of the yard.


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